Title: Money On My Mind
Genre: Branded Content
Run time: 6 x 5-10 min episodes
Prod Co: Storyboard Studios
Client: Channel 4 / Barclays
Money On My Mind is a six-part series which follows a group of money experts as they dissect and explore the spending habits, money mind-sets and lifestyles of the British public and provide them tailored money management coaching to improve their relationship with money.
Genre: Branded Content
Run time: 6 x 5-10 min episodes
Prod Co: Storyboard Studios
Client: Channel 4 / Barclays
Year: 2022
Money On My Mind is a six-part series which follows a group of money experts as they dissect and explore the spending habits, money mind-sets and lifestyles of the British public and provide them tailored money management coaching to improve their relationship with money.