Title: Lego Sabotage
Genre: Branded Content
Run time: 3 x 5-10 min episodes
Director: Hannah May & Zak Harney
Producer: Sara Conlon
Prod Co: Just So
Client: Lego
We’ve invited three creators to take part in the ultimate LEGO challenge: being locked in LEGO House overnight, where they will need to complete three outrageous LEGO tasks to win their freedom. But what they don’t know is that one member of the team is secretly working against them to sabotage their attempts to escape!
Genre: Branded Content
Run time: 3 x 5-10 min episodes
Director: Hannah May & Zak Harney
Producer: Sara Conlon
Prod Co: Just So
Client: Lego
Year: 2023
We’ve invited three creators to take part in the ultimate LEGO challenge: being locked in LEGO House overnight, where they will need to complete three outrageous LEGO tasks to win their freedom. But what they don’t know is that one member of the team is secretly working against them to sabotage their attempts to escape!